aesthetic: florette
#dailyhaikuprompt pinks

soft feathery whorls
my heart anticipates
our first kiss

aesthetic: biopunk
#whistpr petal

The breakthrough in propagation of isolated plant fibers reshaped the clothing industry, allowing infinite customization of a garment's size and shape for each individual wearer and eliminating the need for animal farming. Petal-derived material replaced lighter fabrics such as silk and polyester, mosses replaced thicker fabrics such as wool, and bark fabrics made possible the creation of more durable and comfortable protectivewear than ever before.

#fiftywd unseen, descend, weight, surface, shadow, tighten, glow, quiver, cast, succumb

The billionaires' sub descended into the lurid depths. They cast about nervous glances as the rind tightened, quivering, the 5-inch thick carbon fiber and titanium husk rendered fragile under the ponderous weight of 2 miles of water. The surface seemed unimaginably far, unreachably distant. With a sigh, the sub succumbed.