aesthetic: ethereal
#dailyhaikuprompt spring water

Galadriel Spring
shimmering frosty water
falls like maidenhair

aesthetic: palewave
#vssnature boardwalk

I strolled down the boardwalk, wrapped in my soft dove-gray hoodie, as color crept over the cold sand and into the lilac sky. A flock of small stingrays dipped their wingtips out of the translucent water in greeting as they glided past.

aesthetic: dungeonpunk
#vssfantasy variation

Orion cycled back and forth between variations of blue light; every time he seemed to near a decision, he shook his head and changed his mind.

"Come on man, we don't have to color coordinate our auras!"

"But I want us to match 🥺"

aesthetic: grunge x mulchcore
#brknshards ennui

I meandered down the sidewalk, scuffing my shoes idly. The dull earth tones of the bricks harmonized with the burnt ochres of the fallen leaves. A few steps ahead a squirrel nosed about. I wondered what it would be like, to be a squirrel, spend my days scampering in the grass, the nights tucked in my cozy drey.

aesthetic: fantasy x lost haven
#vssnature summer

To consult the Oracle of Dragonflies, you must approach the pool's southern rim during the High Days of Summer. Holding the question in your mind, extend your hand palm-downward over the iridescent surface. The jewelkind which alights on your hand - ruby, sapphire, emerald, gold, amethyst, or rarely, moonstone - will reveal your fate.

#dailyhaikuprompt solstice

blooming hydrangeas
fresh ripe apricots
let us fill our cups with joy

Happy Solstice! ☀️🍃✨

aesthetic: templecore
#landmarksvss scrammy (blossoming hawthorn)

On Sacred May, or "Scrammy" Day, we celebrate the hawthorn trees planted in a protective hedge around the temple garden. We collect dew from the clusters of white flowers that cover the trees like billowing clouds and sprinkle it on our faces for protection from summer storms. Beneath the white blossoms hang multitudes of rainbow-colored strips of wool, cotton, or linen that represent our wishes for a happy and productive summer. Finally, we pour offerings of golden wine to thank the trees for their blessings over the past year.

"may" is an old name for hawthorn. it was a tradition to gather blossoming hawthorn branches on May Day (May 1st), and for girls to bathe their faces in hawthorn dew for beauty. [1] the hawthorn was also believed to provide protection against lightning. [2] tying cloth and presenting offerings to sacred trees are both ancient traditions found in cultures around the world [3] [4]

aesthetic: oceanheart
#vssnature ocean

Descending in depth, the water shifts from jade green, to smooth turquoise, to slate blue, to graphite murk. A thick canopy of streaming kelpblades enshadows the forest floor. Sea moss smothers the remains of a shattered pipeline. Amidst banks of seasedge, a misty path beckons.

images are screenshots from the following videos: Virtual Dive: Kelp Forests Off the California Coast, Forests Above and Forests Below, Kelp Forest Dream

aesthetic: emo pixiecore
#crowcalls bizarre

I will never understand the bizarre object that humans call a pool. They could have smooth stones, soft moss, watchful willows, but they prefer a slab of cement. They could be splashing in cool freshets with minnows and dragonflies, instead they bathe in stinking lifeless chlorine. Their ears could be full of birdsong, the water's murmuring, the susurration of leaves, but they choose a space that is echoing, empty.

not to ruin anyone's enjoyment of the pool haha - it's supposed to be emo ok

aesthetic: soft grunge
#dailyhaikuprompt green leaves

patch of green leaves
elixir of healing
from grimy concrete

aesthetic: light boredom
#whistpr outlaw

clicking download
on more pdf files
perhaps I am an outlaw

this poem reflects the modern contrast of sitting around online and living a very mundane life while imagining oneself as a badass adventurer
can also be read as a commentary on piracy - the simple act of clicking a download button contrasted with dramatic labels such as "crime" and "outlaw"

aesthetic: mizuiro
#crowcalls haunted
🎧 owl city - angels

aqua light filtered down through the frosted glass. tendrils of air whispered past, ruffling her skirt and flickering the pale blue flame in the fireplace. yes, this house was haunted - haunted by angels.

aesthetic: mulchcore
#landmarksvss flittermouse

I arrive at my usual mossy log and sit down to enjoy the coffee and muffin I brought with me. I like to just sit here, gazing at the broken, rusty leaves carpeting the forest floor, absorbing the stillness until my vision adjusts and I begin to notice the small lives - bugs, frogs, mushrooms - all around me. A soft flutter of wings and a brown flittermouse appears on the log beside me. He sniffs expectantly, hoping for a fruit snack. I pretend I don't have any and he looks away, a bit deflated. Oh, it turns out I have a few grapes after all! I set them on the log beside me and he digs in happily.


the shrill peepings of the baby mockingbirds always make my day 🩶 tiny angels

a ritual
I always stop to caress
the geranium leaves

geraniums are one of my favorite plants because I love the smell of the soft fuzzy leaves 💕

aesthetic: bubble goth
#skypoem abutilon

petals spiral tightly
blooddrop falling to the frozen ground
petals puff outward
silk skirt brushing past the stones
flowerbells sway gently
church bells tolling for the dead

aesthetic: solarpunk academia
prompt: #tinytalestuesday your life in a solarpunk future

~ Jun 11th, 2074
A busy day at the seed library 🌱 Started the morning with a group of schoolkids - read a story about pollinators and discussed their importance, then snacks and playtime in the garden 🦋 Spent midday in the cool storage room organizing our latest seed shipment from the university and filling small packets for distribution. Surge of people in the early evening to chat, exchange veggies, check out/return tools etc. Made it home just before a thunderstorm, will probably do some breadmaking and relax with my cat 💕

2x2 moodboard: trays of seedlings; seed library with light wooden shelves and tons of colorful seed packets; closeup of seed packets on shelves; sunny outdoor greenhouse area with trays of small plants and flowers on raised tables

aesthetic: zen
prompt: #whistpr orchid, #firewords280 beeswax

Tongamisama looked on with approval as I rearranged the beeswax candles to make room for a new pink orchid on his altar.

"What do you have for me today?" I asked.

"Take time to savor the stillness everyday, even if only for 10 minutes," the tiny god replied.

"What if I can't spare 10 minutes?"

"Then you need at least 30."

i vaguely remember hearing a zen master say something to this effect - i think it was on the radio! - a long time ago. the idea is that if someone is unable to spare even a tiny amount of time, in most cases that's because of mindset and priorities, not because they literally have no choice over even a few minutes of their life. believing they can't pause a few minutes for meditation shows how much they need a mental reset, and to actually spend a longer time in meditation!

aesthetic: drizzlecore
prompt: #whistpr orb

halfway through my walk the rain caught me. i stepped away from the sidewalk to shelter under the thick leaves of a sweetgum tree, watching the tiny crystal orbs shower down. the park stretched empty, only the luminous grassglow welcoming the rain.

aesthetic: dark kawaii x nintendo
prompt: #2wordprompt surprise / never

she lay draped listlessly on the couch, the controller drooping in her hand, staring at the floor. today was another black hoodie day; a few little purple ghost and skull motifs were the only color in her outfit. channeling the seasonal depression of the dim snowless winter, she ran her character into the holes, or the chain chomps, or the fireballs, again and again. suddenly movement outside the window caught her eye. Snowflakes!

aesthetic: midnight valley x kawaii food
prompt: #whisptr onion

3x3 moodboard: strawberry cream sandwiches with pink bread; white chocolate kitkats with sakura packaging; shelves with kawaii snacks and ramune; shelves of rainbow-colored bottled drinks; cinnamoroll pringles on lime green background; shopping basket of pink and green kawaii snacks; shelves of neon-colored lays chips; pastel pink and purple grocery store sugar cookies; shelves of rainbow-colored milks and kids drinks

We pulled up to the gas station, a brightly lit island in the endless ink-black night, around 9:30. The traffic had been unfavorable during the day, and our parents were determined to at least make it to the next state before stopping. They said we could get some snacks. I walked in and immediately got blasted in the face with rainbows. Shelves and shelves of neon-colored snacks, many adorned with cute characters. A table of strawberry cream sandwiches. Coolers filled with milk, bottled tea, and soda in dozens of flavors. I walked out with a lime green can of sour cream & onion Cinnamoroll Pringles, some sakura KitKats, and a peach Fanta. My night just got a lot happier :)